At Greenmount we intend Science to:

Be inspiring, practical and purposeful

Be filled with opportunity to ask and answer scientific questions

Develop skills as a process of enquiry

Develop the natural curiosity of the child and provide opportunities for critical evaluation of evidence

Be equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future

Greenmount implements Science by:

Ensuring a wide range of progressive Science topics which focus on the enquiry skills; pattern seeking, identifying and classify, research, observation over time and fair testing. 

The impact of this will be: 

Greenmountaineers will leave being inquisitive, knowledgeable and skilled scientists ready for their next stage in their science education. 

Science PolicyYearly OverviewProgression of SkillsScience Planning ExamplesExample Learning Quardrants

At Greenmount we run a mixed aged Science club through “My Science Club”. This term we have focused on Biology. Look at what we get up to each week –